The Qur’an Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Said Nursi’s Epistles of Light

The Qur’an Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Said Nursi’s Epistles of Light

The Qur’an Revealed: A Critical Analysis of Said Nursi’s Epistles of Light

By Colin P Turner

The Qur’an Revealed is a landmark publication in the history of Islamic studies, providing for the first time a comprehensive critical analysis of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi’s 6000-page work of Qur’anic exegesis, The Epistles of Light. In discussing a wide range of themes, from Divine unity to causation, from love to spirituality, from prophethood to civilisation and politics, Colin Turner invites the reader into Nursi’s conceptual universe, presenting the teachings of arguably the Muslim world’s most understudied theologian in a language that is accessible to both expert and interested layperson alike.

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