The Muslim Theology of Huzn: Sorrow Unrawelled

The Muslim Theology of Huzn: Sorrow Unrawelled

The Muslim Theology of Huzn: Sorrow Unrawelled

By Mahshid Turner

The subject of sorrow (huzn) and how it should be treated is a subject as old as mankind itself. Considered for the most part as something negative, which should be somehow avoided or remedied completely, the real meaning and purpose of its existence have never been explained satisfactorily. The Qur’an, however, claims that nothing is created purposelessly, which implies that sorrow also has its uses. With the aim of unravelling the mystery of its existence, this ground-breaking study aims to tell the story of sorrow in the Qur’an from a Muslim scholarly perspective, with particular emphasis on the theology of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi.

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