By Shoaib Ahmed Malik
Atheism is a well known phenomena to the Muslim world, but the contemporary developments taking place at the interface between Atheism and Islam largely remain neglected in literature, at least in the English discourse. As will be made evident in the monograph, there are only a handful of books that discuss, engage or tackle the issues raised by ‘New Atheists’ from an Islamic perspective. To contribute towards this missing gap, this monograph highlights the surprising connection between be ‘New Atheism’ and Islam, and highlights their polemics from various angles including the scientific, philosophical and theological. A section is also dedicated to identify the often neglected ex-Muslim movement, identifying the major figures and also detailing various factors by which Muslims end up leaving Islam. This is then followed by various suggestions whereby the author brings his own perspective on how Muslims need to collectively acknowledge the issues posed by ‘New Atheism’ and means to engage with their narrative. Ultimately, this monograph is intended to act as a central and introductory reference point for anyone interested in the interface between Islam and ‘New Atheism’ to induce critical thought and further research.